EAHC Playoff Information 2024-25 Season
2024-25 Season
NOTE: Playoff Schedules will be loaded into the website master schedule before playoffs begin. The playoff schedules will also be loaded into Gamesheets before playoff begin for those teams who are using the Gamesheet App.
NOTE 2: Playoffs are designed so teams can go play their games with minimal supervision. Therefore all games can end in a tie and ARE CURFEWED. Exceptions to games ending in a tie are noted below.
NOTE 3: All teams are expected to read the Playoff Rules. Ask your Commissioner if you have questions.
EAHC 10U, 12U & 14U Playoff Rules
EAHC 18U Playoff Rules
The rules for step ladder playoffs are in the EAHC Guidebook.
Division FOrmats
See Playoff Standings on website once loaded.
All teams are guaranteed 4 games.
Four Team Divisions: Teams play the other 3 teams in their division, then for their 4th game top 2 play in Championship game, bottom 2 teams play in a Consolation Game.
Five Team Divisions: Teams play the other 4 teams in their division. Top 2 Teams play in a 5th game Championship.
Six Team DIvisions: Teams play 3 round robin games against other teams in their division. Top four teams go to Semi-Final Games. Bottom 2 teams play in a Consolation game. WInners of Semi-Finals play in a 5th game Championship.
EAHC Playoff Schedule - ALL TEAMS
Scheduling & Playoff Info
1.) We can not make changes. Ice was very tight & some of our ice was moved around late last week.
2.) If you find an error, please contact your commissioner who will contact the scheduler.
3.) All Games must be played (no rescheduling).
4.) All round robin games CAN END IN A TIE and ARE CURFEWED. EXCEPTIONS: Six Team Semi-Finals, 18U games, and all Championship Games.
5.) The Home team must send a scan of the scoresheet to their Commissioner immediately after the game by email with the final score clearly identified.
6.) Genesee Valley (GVP): 14U games have a 80 minute curfew with 15 minute ice cuts.
18U Playoff Schedule
Playoff Schedule for 18U teams.
14U Playoff Schedules
Division 1 (Upper): Geneseo Alford, RYH Decker, Jr Amerks Bertram, Batavia Peca
Division 2 (Lower): Jr Amerks Zizzi, MCYH Hinds, RYH Graves, Jr Amerks Nixon, MCYH Carpenter
12U Playoff Schedules
Division 1(Upper): TCYH Mros, Jr Amerks Arnold, Jr Amerks Rupp, WYHA Huss, Geneseo Craun, Jr Amerks Clune
Division 2(Lower): Batavia Morosco, WYHA Hershey, MCYH Hemmerick, Edge Garofalo, Batavia Borden, CKH Prinzi
10U Playoff Schedules
Divisions 1 & 2 will play with White Rules, i.e. 12 minute periods
Divisions 3 & 4 will play with Blue Rules, i.e. 11 minute periods.
Division 1 (White Upper): Jr Amerks Jasie, Jr Amerks Juskiw, Jr Amerks Sousa/Stephens, Jr Amerks Shepard, Geneseo Molino (5 teams)
Division 2 (White Lower): RYH Dito, Batavia Sprague, CKH LaDue, MCYH Eisenhauer, MCYH Wing, Jr Amerks Cummings (6 teams)
Division 3 (Blue Upper): Geneseo Spencer, Edge Sokac, Jr Amerks Nolan, WYHA Melton, Jr Amerks Plattos, Batavia Crane (6 teams)
Division 4 (Blue Lower): WYHA VanAcker, CKH HerrGesell, RYH DiCamilla, MCYH Roggow (4 teams)